Erik L Crago - Online Memorial Website

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Erik Crago
Born in United States
33 years
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Bob Hudson Praying for you October 1, 2013
I know no one can totally understand your pain.  I pray that God will comfort you as only He can.  I believe the time will come when the joy of your memories will overcome the sorrow you are experiencing now

I'm glad the National Gallery is having a memorial service, and I'm sorry I won't be able to attend.  I want to make a contribution to Wounded Warriors in his name.  Can you direct me to the proper web site?  I'm sure I saw it here last week but can't find it now.
Darnese My buddy September 23, 2013
Dear Erik,
 We have known each other since 2002. We lost contact and reconnected and i would often check on you VIA facebook or Instagram. After hearing of your passing I went back thru my phone to see when was the last time that we actaully talked off line. I got said to see if was on your bday last year. I wish we would have keep in touch more and I wish i could have tried to help you thru your pain. I know your in a better place with no worried and no pain. I miss you my buddy .
debbie saathoff RIP September 19, 2013
my prayers go out to the family .hadn't seen Eric sinse he was a young boy and never got a chance to thank him for his years of service protecting our country.i to lost a brother inlaw the same way and its so hard for the ones left behind..may Eric get the peace he didn't have here on earth.
TERRY MCKOY cool September 19, 2013
Sherri Cox The Love of My Life September 18, 2013
My Dearest Erik,

I am sitting here typing this with tears streaming down my face. At your memorial service when I was kneeling down to say a prayer for you I felt your hands on both of my shoulders whispering to me "mom you have to be strong", and I couldn't be anything but strong hearing those words from you.

Please don't worry about Erick.   I will be there anytime he needs me or if there is anything he wants. I want to continue to do what I believe you would be doing for him.

I just wish you would have confided in me to let me know what you were going through. The only reason you didn't was because you knew what a worry-wart I was.

I have been walking around with your National Gallery of Art badge (with your picture on it) every day and I will continue to do so.

My last words to you Erik are you were the best son and father that I will ever know.

I LOVE you my son.

Ginger Crago Erik September 16, 2013
Erik, not an hour goes by that I don't think about you.  My heart is so heavy.  I just wish I would have called you. I knew something wasn't right when I hadn't seen you posting pictures of yourself and "Lil Man".  I always told you that I was so proud of you and what an awesome dad you were.  You showed so much love for your son and that will be the best memory he will have for the rest of his life.  He adored you as much as you did him  <3  I pray that you continue to watch over Erick and be his Guardian Angel.  I promise to continue to be in his life forever..  We all love you so much and miss you like crazy..  Rest in peace Erik..  I am sure you are in the arms of all your Grandparents.   
Stacy Cobb Erik Crago September 16, 2013
You were a good father, Battle buddy, and friend.  i wish i would have kept in better contact with you.  You and your family will always remain in my thoughts and prayers.
Cherlyn Dunn GONE TOO SOON September 15, 2013
Erik you were a very special person and will be deeply missed. I'll always remember the times we would talk in the 27th MSB motor pool while serving in the military together and all the conversations we held over the phone. How much you talked and showed your devotion to your handsome son. I know this must be a very difficult time for your family. While there are no words to ease their pain, please know that my thoughts and our prayers are with your family. May you REST IN PARADISE BATTLE.
Susan Acheson Thoughts and Prayers September 15, 2013
Sherry,  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.  Although I never personally met Erik, I know he was a special young man through the stories you would share with me.  I especially remember how proud you were of him while he was in active military keeping all of us here at home safe.  We all appreciate his service to our country - he will now never be forgotten.  
Shane Bennett 27 MSB September 15, 2013
Crago you may be gone but never forgoten we serve in Iraq from 2004-2005. I hope the family knows that everyone in the unit had alot of respect for him that knew him.
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